The rescheduled Davis Cup tie between India and Pakistan will be tentatively held on November 29 or 30 in Islamabad subject to another security review, the All India Tennis Association (AITA) said on Friday.
The tie was earlier scheduled to be held in Islamabad on September 14-15 but was postponed to November after an in-depth security review by the International Tennis Federation last month.
“The India vs Pakistan Davis Cup tie will take place at Islamabad either on 29 and 30th November or 30th November/1st December,” the AITA said. However, the security situation will be reviewed on 4th November whether the tie can be held in Islamabad or to be shifted to a neutral venue,” the AITA said.
The ITF’s Davis Cup committee had on August 22 decided to postpone the tie from the earlier scheduled dates of September 14 and 15 following persistent pleas by India to either shift the tie to a neutral venue or postpone it given the currently high diplomatic tension between the two countries.
The ITF had said that it “will continue to monitor the situation in Pakistan and the Davis Cup Committee will re-convene to re-examine the security situation in advance of the tie.”
The tie has become a matter of speculation ever since Pakistan downgraded diplomatic ties with India citing the revocation of the special status enjoyed by the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.